
She showed up late wearing her sister’s shoes
Couldn’t tell if she was stoned so I’m looking for clues
Orders a drink which is basically weaponized sugar
I went to school where, you went to school there
Oh my God I love in that TV show when…
And we disagreed about a movie that none of us saw

Then she asked if I’m in a band
I said, everybody is or was or they wanna be
Everybody is or was or they wanna be

I met her friends and to tell you the truth
I hope I never see those people again
But if she’s that bad a judge of character, I might have a chance
Nothing shows a generation gap faster
Than song selections on a bar jukebox
But the 4th drink dropped and I was leaning into disaster

Then she, asked me if I’m OK
I said, everybody is or was or they wanna be
Everybody is or was or they wanna be

Play on, play on
Cause life comes quick
Play on, play on
It makes you sick
Play on, play on
It lifts you up
Play on, play on
It digs you underground

Then she asked me if I was in love
I said, everybody is or was or they wanna be
Everybody is or was or they wanna be

We talked the talk that seemed so deep
But outside of these walls we wouldn’t repeat
A liquor conversation stuck in time
These kind of nights are worth the pain
For they can get burned in your brain
And hold you when nobody else is there

Then she asked me if I was happy
I said, everybody is or was or they wanna be
Everybody is or was or they wanna be

Play on, play on
Cause life comes quick
Play on, play on
It makes you sick
Play on, play on
It lifts you up
Play on, play on
It digs you underground
Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2022.50
Performed by: Solo
Recordings: Rough Demo, Phone Video
Chords: F C Dm C F Bb Dm C Bb F C F A Bb C Bb Bb C F 162 BPM